I do not know, why this idea came to me, but the train of thought went like this. RGB project, colors. Colors, colors can change. Colors changing, music. Colors and music, song. Song, rhythm. Rhythm, colors change to rhythm. Colors change to rhythm, club. Club...what's a song you play at the club...TRUMPET BOUNCE. Yeah idk what I'm doing but it was pretty cool coding the thing. Figuring out how to make the colors change according to the bpm and having the colors not fall off beat throughout the entirety of a 3 min song was kinda a challenge, but some calculating solved that pretty easily. The hardest part was adding the vibing cat. Giphy is blocked by Dalton computers for whatever delirious reason, so I couldn't get a gif link for the dancing cat. Because of that, I had to spend a dozen minutes researching how to put a YouTube video in an html file, which isn't a lot of time, but, considering that it would've taken TWO MINUTES IF DALTON JUST DIDN'T BLOCK GIPHY, I am stressing it because it's ANNOYING. Oh, and, also, the YouTube video doesn't autoplay, because if I made it autoplay, the music would have to autoplay to sync up with the video, so you just have to click the music and the video really fast in succession. L for you. And also L for me when I tried to test the project to see if it actually worked the two kept not syncing up ALL BECAUSE DALTON WOULDN'T GIVE ME ACCESS TO A GIF WEBSITE LIKE THINK OF ALL THE RICKROLLS I COULD JUST PUT IN RANDOMLY ACROSS MY WEBSITE ahem. Anyways yeah